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How to install Skype on Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

UPDATE: Skype has now been uploaded to the "partner" official Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx repository. See Install Skype in Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx from official partner repository

Command Line way
Get the package:

For 32-bit
$ wget
For 64-bit
$ wget

You will need to install the following libraries.
$ sudo apt-get install libqt4-dbus libqt4-network libqt4-xml libasound2
Now install skype(the file u just downloaded, may be named intrepid-ibex)
$ sudo dpkg -i skype-XXXXXXXXXXXX.deb
If you still get some dependency error then just type the command below
$ sudo apt-get -f install
this will install the dependencies and the skype.

Non - Terminal
Download the setup
32 -bit
64 -bit
You will these packages: libqt4-dbus libqt4-network libqt4-xml.
Goto Synaptic manager and install them.
Now Launch the Skype install .deb file (just double click it) and
follow the on screen prompts.

(To start Skype at system startup)
Go to "System -> Preferences -> Startup Application", Click "Add"
and enter the following details:
  • Name: Skype
  • Command: skype
Click "Save"
Next time you start your system Skype will auto-launch.


Linny said…
Thanks, it installed successfully. I did it the command-line way hehe..
mirel said…
command line was a success.
Thanks buddy.
Railslide said…
Thanks! the command line solved all my problems :)
Anonymous said…
Hey you are great!
Anonymous said…
Thanks! works great.
Xander said…
Didn't work on 64 bits version.
skype depends on lib32stdc++6 (>= 4.1.1-21); however:
Package lib32stdc++6 is not installed.
skype depends on lib32asound2 (>> 1.0.14); however:
Package lib32asound2 is not installed.
skype depends on ia32-libs (>= 1.6); however:
Package ia32-libs is not installed.
dpkg: error processing skype (--install):
dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Dipin Krishna said…

When ever some dependency issue comes up when trying to install something, just do this:

sudo apt-get -f install
ActionParsnip said…
Pretty much perfect. Can't fault it :)
Anonymous said…
Both methods worked on my 32-bit system.
humanform said…
Terminal install worked great on 32-bit. Thanks so much!
Unknown said…
i installed first from and later with the command line described here. I got the problem that the menu items are opaque (have the same color as background) when clicking on the icon in the system panel. They appear only when mouse is over the items.
brad said…
I'm stupid with Linux. My friend set up the OS for me, but the command line method executed it perfectly. Thanks!!!
Psqad said…
great .thx for this nice how-to
Anonymous said…
ksc, just change your theme in skype to "desktop settings".
Sari said…
Thanks, that works great! I use the command line in my ubuntu 10.04. Also I choose "GTK+" as the theme to display the navigation/menu text & tooltips properly. And I use alsamixer to test my microphone (press M to unmute). Thank you very much that was really helpful!
Anonymous said…
Muchas gracias, funcionó perfecto
Anonymous said…
Thanks a lot
Anonymous said…
instalei o 64 bits e funcionou perfeitamente!!!
worked great....
CEW said…
Mmm...anybody got this working on an AMD64? Using the terminal I get the error, "package architecture (i386) does not match system (amd64)"
Dipin Krishna said…
Did u download the 64 bit version..
Unknown said…
thanks a lot!! it works!!
Anonymous said…
$ sudo dpkg -i skype-XXXXXXXXXXXX.deb <--- Didnt work for me on 64 got message: dpkg: fejl under behandling af skype-XXXXXXXXXXXX.deb (--install):
kan ikke tilgå arkivet: No such file or directory. ---> then I tried "sudo dpkg -i skype-ubuntu-intrepid_2.1.0.81-1_amd64.deb ---> and it worked xD Im very new to linux, so it was a shot in the dark, but it worked.
Anonymous said…
It's much simpler do simply sudo gdebi than the way you describe, because gdebi takes care of all the dependencies automatically.
Mahesh said…
Thanks a lot. It works smoothly. :)
svetlio_chopper said…
thank you, I have small problems with 32bit and try to install 64-bit and it work fine - nice how-to thanks :-)
Anonymous said…
Like every time ...command line solved all problems ... installation passed perfectly ...Slobodan S.
Gaurav Khambhala said…
It worked. :) Thanks for sharing.
Anonymous said…
Installed just fine but the sign-in button (and the sign-up button) is blanked out. Cannot log-in :( How do I rectify this?
Anonymous said…
thanks! works fine here.
Anonymous said…
RE:Installed just fine but the sign-in button (and the sign-up button) is blanked out. Cannot log-in :( How do I rectify this?

Nevermind... my mistake, all sorted now.
dr said…
what is mean by P2P failed?
Dipin Krishna said…
Try "rm -rf ~/.Skype" then restart skype.
Aras said…
I installed through terminal, everything is ok with skype. But got problem that system meniu items changed to different ones. Who can tell me how did it happen AND HOW to recover this issue, i.e. undo previous screen color ant meniu design? Thanx a lot!
Anonymous said…
Skype is already in Canonical's partner repository, so you can get a more up-to-date version by enabling partner sources / adding the following:

deb lucid partner

to /etc/apt/sources.list

and installing skypt through normal software management apps (apt-get, software centre...)
Thilibhan said…
Hai Friend thankyou......... i have installed the skype.........

Working fine........

Thanks Dear.... :-)...........
pensjonat said…
Thanks a lot.
I installed from terminal
Jerome said…
Thanks man...It works great

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