We can download the new version of Linux Mint Linux Mint which is 7 Gloria, a distribution which has always called attention with its menu, this time with further improvements. Mint7 Linux is based on Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope and is completely compatible with their packages and repositories and comes with GNOME 2.26 desktop environment.
The most significant improvements in this new version in addition to what is already commented, is the new menu mintMenu, the introduction of virtual and meta packages that simplify and improve ease of installing multiple desktop environments, improvements in their mint4win installer allows us to install windows applications, improved management of cargo ...
Linux Mint is a perfect system for the Windows user who wishes to enter into Linux, a distribution for their specific application environment.
I have to say that this distribution in its initial state does not incorporate any codecs or proprietary software and can be run as a Live CD to try it without risk of losing any data at the facility.
Download Linux Mint 7