Hello linixians,
Failed to access internet through your bsnl clarity phone....
Here is an easy way
1. Just download this executable.....bsnlclarity and save it to your home folder.
2. Connect your phone to the system with the usb cable.
3. Now at terminal type
$ sudo ./bsnlclarity
You will be asked for your username and password for accessing the internet enter it .....
now start surffing
Ctrl+C to stop
Failed to access internet through your bsnl clarity phone....
Here is an easy way
1. Just download this executable.....bsnlclarity and save it to your home folder.
2. Connect your phone to the system with the usb cable.
3. Now at terminal type
$ sudo ./bsnlclarity
You will be asked for your username and password for accessing the internet enter it .....
now start surffing
Ctrl+C to stop
I have a ubuntu linux 8.10, and a BSNL WLL TARANG HUAWEI ETS2288 and i also have the bsnlclarity file will your file work for my phone's model. Please help me because i am trying to connect net in ubuntu for nearly 3 weeks.If you could answer please mail me.stylishrino007@gmail.com
Type this at terminal....after connecting your phone to the system......
$ lsusb
Now please note down the vendor id the other ids of your phone...
send me those id's as it is shown...
please reply to dipinkrishna@gmail.com
dipin krishna
The error is "Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0 No such file or device"
What should I do?
Now modeprobe with those ids...
I am using BSNL WLL (clarity-II A).It doesn't work in IT@SCHOOL GNU/LINUX OS.
I am trying to work it.i have tried to download BSNLCLARITY. But i can't. there is a problem in downloading it.pls make a solution..
I haven't checked it for IT@SCHOOL GNU/LINUX OS...
another problem in downloading.
pls check it once again.on clicking the link, appears a source code window(?)
vth thanks
It doesn't seem to have any problem with the download link. Its ok...
I've been using your file for a long time. Good stuff, Thanks. But, last week i reinstalled my fedora and tried connecting using "./bsnlclarity" in user login with su as root. i got connected to internet n i got ip address assigned, still i cannot browse web in an browser or cant even ping to google. pls help,
Ragards & thanks,
how can i connect it to fedora 10
Down loaded bsnl clarity and pasted in my home folder then the result is as follows
akoyavk@akoyavk-desktop:~$ sudo ./bsnlclarity
[sudo] password for akoyavk:
Segmentation fault
akoyavk@akoyavk-desktop:~$ .
I am only a beginner for linux
Can anybody help?
If ur using ubuntu 9.04 or 9.10 please see http://blog.dipinkrishna.info/2009/07/step-by-step-procedure-to-set-up-your.html
pls help how set up the bsnl wll tarang phone in ubuntu 9.10..
phone is huwaie 2288..
i want to get internet on ubuntu.
I am using ubuntu 9.04.I could not connect via internet to my BSNL WLL CT800P.I followed up ur instuctions.
As u told to edit menu.lst but i could not find ur mentioned kernel line.
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.28-13-generic root=UUID=c54f5577-285d-455d-8....
instead i found kernal/vmlinuz-2.6.28-11-generic root=UUID...
I got stucked up her itself,how can i proceed further...plz provide any solution.
My email id is manjuchaudharu21@gmail.com
the maid id u provided(manjuchaudharu21@gmail.com) doesn't work.