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Increase the system wide sound (volume) in your linux (ubuntu etc..)

Here is another trick to increase the sound (soft volume) in Ubuntu Linux, this time system-wide.

1. Edit your /etc/asound.conf file.

On your terminal type

$ sudo gedit /etc/asound.conf

2. Paste the following into the asound.conf file:

pcm.!default {
type plug
slave.pcm "softvol"

pcm.softvol {
type softvol
slave {
pcm "dmix"
control {
name "Pre-Amp"
card 0
min_dB -5.0
max_dB 20.0
resolution 6

3. Restart PulseAudio:

$ pulseaudio -k >/dev/null 2>&1

To make sure pulseaudio is stopped:

$ killall pulseaudio

And then:

$ pulseaudio -D

$ pulseaudio ;

Finally Restart u r system.......



Unknown said…
Thank you so much for this.

I found that I could add a new track to be visible in my preferences in Sound and change the volume even louder in Ubuntu 8.10.

Double-click on the sound icon and then go to Preferences, and then choose Pre-Amp to be visible after you've done the steps detailed here.

Then just increase the volume however much you want.

Ubuntu used to have quite low sound compared to Windows for me on the same machine, this has fixed it now.

Thank you so much! :).
SgtStroopwafel said…
:P wow ! ur my hero m8! now i finally can listen to my hardcore gabber house classics in STYLE!
warfie said…
can't seem to find asound.conf in Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid... any clue?
Dipin Krishna said…
create the file asound.conf.
David Robert said…
Does one add this in addition to whatever you might have there? Been struggling to understand the purpose of asound.conf, and how various codes relate to the ubuntu system as whole.

Any tips on what else to do or not?
Dipin Krishna said…
Just add the lines given to the file asound.conf.
Now double-click on the sound icon and then go to Preferences, and then choose Pre-Amp.
Increase its volume as much as u want.

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