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How to install Skype on Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala

The two methods  below doesn't work now. Please see for a successfull installation of skype on ubuntu.

I have provided two methods. Please do comment which one is successful.

Follow these steps to install skype in ubuntu 9.10 (64 bit).
        First add:
            deb karmic free non-free
        to your source.list
Now open a terminal and type:
$ sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list
Then do an update:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get --yes -q --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring
$ sudo apt-get -q update
And finally install Skype.
$ sudo apt-get install skype
Ready ... now start skype with
$ skype


Download the setup
32 -bit
64 -bit

Launch the Skype install .deb file (just double click it) and follow the on screen prompts.

(To start Skype  at system startup)
Go to "System -> Preferences -> Startup Application", Click "Add" and enter the following details:
  • Name: Skype
  • Command: skype
Click "Save"
Next time you start your system Skype will auto-launch.

Enjoy using Skype in ubuntu.


Anonymous said…
Method 2 worked for me first time for installation. Thank you. I cannot seem to get Skype to run at startup though, but that's probably down to me.
Unknown said…
second procedure worked for me. the one downloading .deb package but not the commands in the terminal.
patarisonha said…
second for me too... but i haven't tried the first one. thank you
Ramophethe said…
I used the 1st method just because I wanted it a lil bit harder and it worked fine with me!
Anonymous said…
both of methods did not work for me.
in both case system write me a message that I don't have some packets:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
Depends: ia32-libs (>= 1.6) but it is not going to be installed

Depends: lib32asound2 (> 1.0.14) but it is not going to be installed

Depends: lib32gcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1-21+ia32.libs.1.19) but it is not going to be installed

Depends: lib32nss-mdns but it is not going to be installed
Depends: lib32stdc++6 (>= 4.1.1-21) but it is not going to be installed

Depends: libc6-i386 (>= 2.3.2) but it is not going to be installed

E: Broken packages
Ramon said…
I installed Skype on Karmic, but it does not seem to detect any microphones. It detected my webcam and that is the microphone I use. Can anybody help please?
Dipin Krishna said…
Try installing the skype version 2.0 and and select "HD Intel (hw:0)" option in skype's autio properties.

If you have already installed Skype 2.1 from Medibuntu Repos, you will have to uninstall skype-common via synaptic, as well as skype, or else the Skype 2.0 package will not install via GDebi.

Get the verion 2.0 from here
Unknown said…
Nothing worked here. The first method broke when I tried

#sudo apt-get --yes -q --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring

and the second says, after the launch, wrong architeture 'i386'.

Any one can help me?
Unknown said…
BUT I need to install medibuntu first, by
# sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
and add the line
deb karmic free non-free
to that archive, ant then update and install skype.
Unknown said…
Method 2 worked softly for me.
Thanks a lot!
Zabbaskeema said…
#1 Worked like a charm, BUT:

First add: deb karmic free non-free to your source.list

FYI I am on Kubuntu 9.10, x64 flavor.

Unknown said…
Comigo a instalaĆ§Ć£o funcionou perfeitamente, porĆ©m o Ć”udio com o pulseaudio nĆ£o funcionou. A mensagem de erro Ć©... "RtApiAlsa: underrun detected"

Fortaleza - Brasil
Unknown said…
A instalaĆ§Ć£o funcionou perfeitamente, porĆ©m o Ć”udio com pulseaudio nĆ£o funcionou. A mensagem de erro Ć©... "RtApiAlsa: underrun detected"

Fortaleza - CE - Brasil
Unknown said…
The first method worked for me
Deivis Poskus said…
First procedure worked for me. 9.10 x32
Unknown said…
Hi , the 2nd works fine @ first shoot.

(I did not try the first.)
... even if we should work "Microsoft-different" and double click is always the same...

The easiest the better. x32.KK9.10
Thank you for your help.
Ć«RiC said…
2nd method is just what I tried in the first place: goto skype download latest package, doubleclick: Fehler: Falsche Systemarchitektur »i386«
Error: wrong system architechture »i386«

what does that mean?

And 1st method? I'm new to linux and ubuntu. But not afraid of code though. But what is my "source.list"?!?
Unknown said…
Thanks Guys,

I just tried second method, so far so good.

Keep up good work!!!!
saltydog said…
No more skype on medibuntu repositories as of today!
Cannae said…
Did the first one but sudo apt-get install skype failed to find skype.

Then used the second method with a Debian bouble click and it installed on my i386.

There was a missing dependency on second one until I did the first up to sudo apt-get install skype then the Debian double click worked perfect.

Unknown said…
im new to ubuntu and the second method was fast easy and worked just fine

thank you
Unknown said…
Method two worked the first time for me. I've been struggling with this issue for weeks.

Unknown said…
Eric (a few posts up) it means that you are running with an intel chipset as opposed to an AMD. That download is for AMD processors only. Download

Its for I386 Intel chipset, which is what you need.

thanks for this... not a great help but it works... ahehehehe

Comment by: The Rookie Blogger
mikke said…
Thanks for your help Dipin.
First method doesn't work but the second is OK.

See you
Anonymous said…
Method two worked fine for me. I logged in and it worked fine.

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